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Folsom Lake College

If you are in high school and taking college classes, Folsom Lake College considers you an "ADVANCED EDUCATION" student. Follow the instructions on the FLC website and email your advanded education packet to the front office at .  He will send your application to the FLC, CRC, ARC, or SCC schools.   Check the availability in the course search just prior to the application submission date to make sure the classes you are applying for are still available.  If they are not, select new classes and send Mr. Harris a new application so he can submit it for you.
If you have graduated or are graduating from High School, Folsom Lake considers you a "First Time College Student" even if you have taken college classes as a high school student. The processes for enrolling as a first time college student and an advanced education student are different.  

Advanced Education Students

Folsom Lake College Freshmen

  •  and follow the instructions to enroll as a Freshman (first time college student) at Folsom Lake College.

Financial Aid: